Saturday, 26 May 2018


                                    TAIWAN AND HONG KONG

The relashionship between Taiwan and Hong Kong have deep cultural and historical background to the other folks. They were once part of china neither, however experienced Mao's communist revolution. The island Taiwan was onced ruled by the mainland. Today, the people republic stills as part of china Hong Kong was retured to China in 1997 afters years under the british colonial rule.
     Taiwan was once ruled by China untill 1895, when it fell to Japan . The Japanese builth some industry, providing a foundation for later growth. In 1945, having the Japanese defeated, Taiwan reverted to
china but when Jiang Jish fled the mainland in 1949, he set up a nationalist government on Taiwan . Despite Jiang's authocratic rule, Taiwan experienced rapid growth and enjoined the United State support .
    However, Taiwan set up light industries such as textiles and later it developed big industry. The green revolution of the 1960s with it new seeds and fertalizers helped Taiwan agriculture become more productive. Trade boomed, industrial cities grewed and in time Taiwans standered of living rose to one of the highest in Asia with economic success, the government slowly allowed people more political freedom . Hostility between taiwan and the mainland eased some what as the cold war ended in 1990's . Taiwanese buisnesses took advantage of deng xiaoping's economic reforms. In recent years, bejing reserted it insistence that Taiwan must be reincoperated into China. Chinese millitary exercises in the area were percieved are thrit, and when advocate of Taiwanese independence was elected president.
The smallest Asian Tiger is the city stay of singapore. It seat on an island at the tip of the maley penninsular in south east Asia. Under british rule, singapore grew rapidly. The population came to include malayians british merchant and sailors with chinese,  Indian immigrant. All hoped to prosper in booming city. The british brought a chinese worker to work in factories that possessed Tin and rubber from malayia.
     Singapore gained independence from britain in 1959 and then from nearby malaya in 1963. The government welcomed skilled immigrant and insisted on education for all it people in both English and chinese . It also encouraged high_tech industy, manufactury, finance , and tourism. As singapore's economy grew, it standered of living rose. The government set up a succesful public, housing program . Most married couple became house owner with the help of government loans.
                                               THE TWO KOREANS
The fourth Asian tiger , south korea, emerged during the cold war. It occupies the southern half of the korean peninsula .In 1910, japan annexed the korean peninsula, imposing harsh rule on it . After world war two, the soviet Union and the United state agreed to a temporary division of the korean along the 38th parallel of latitude. Both leader wanted to end the division . In early 1950, Kim ll sung called call for a 'heroic struggle' to reunite korea.

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