Wednesday, 21 February 2018


The first european to establish colonies in North America were the Spanish. In 1926,

a spaniard called Lucas Vazaues de Allvon attempt to find a colony in Caroline, (he also brought the first black slave to North America). However, the attempt failed. Many spaniard died of disese and the surivor abandned the colony.
       In 1565, Pedro Mapedes de Viles founded a settlement St. Augustine Florida; the first permanent European settlement in is now the USA. The first english to attempt colonize North America was made by a man named Sir Humphere Gilert, in 1578, Queen elizabeth granted him thenpermission to establish a colony there.
      However, his half brother, Walter made another attempt to find Colony. In 1584, He send is ships to explore the coast . They found what they thought was asuitable place for a colony . In january,1588 queen Elizbeth the virginia queen allowed him to call the place virginia after her in April and expectation was sent by Richard Grenville.
       They arrived in july 1585. Grevill left men Roanke island then for England to obtain more men and suppplers in 1586 the colony abandoned virginia and returned to England . Another english colony was founded in 1620 by a group of people fleeing religious persecution .

       Conclusively , in september 1774, a continental congress met to decide policy. They demanded the repels of the coercive acts and that of the quetec act . The congress also denounced British interferance in the American affairs and asserted the right of colonial assemblies to pass the laws and raise taxes to saw fit .
       In june, 1776 Richard Henry lee the virginia Assembly presented congress with a resolution declaring the independence of colonies , calling for a confederation and expresssed the need to find foreign allies for a war against Britain.
      After the war , on june 11, a continental congress appointed a commiteee to wright a declaration of independence and George Washington was made president.

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