Monday, 17 December 2018


After the second industrial revolution, technology began to have an increasing influence on people's lives. Does technology always benefit us, or can it have some harmful effect? 

The united state transitional railroad provided rail service from the Atlantic to the pacific. In the same way, Russia built the trans-siberian railroad , linking Moscow to European Russia to Vladivostok on the pacific. Railroad tunnel and bridges cross the Alps in Europe and the Andes in south America. Passengers and goods rode on railes in India, China,Eygpt and South Africa.

The Authomoble Age Begins 
The transportation revolution took a new turn when a German engineer, Nikolaus Otto, invented a gasoline powdered internal combustion engine. In 1886, karl Benz recieved a patent for the first authomobile, which had three wheels. A year later, Gottlieb Daimler introduced the first four wheeled automobile. People laughed at the ''horseless carriages'' which quickly transformed transportation.
The french nosed out the Germans as early authomakers. Then the American Henry Ford started making models that reached the breathtaking speed of 25 miles an hour. In the early 1900's, ford began using the assembling line to mass-produce cars, making the United state a world leader in the authomobile industry.

 Rapid Communication
A revolution in communication also made the world smaller. An American inventor, Samuel f.B Morse, developed the telegraph which could send coded text message over wires by means of electricity. His first telegraph line went into service between Baltimore and Washington, DC, in 1844. By the 1860s, an undersea cable was relying messages between Europe and North America. Furthermore, Communication soon became faster when a scotish-born American Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone.

Move Toward Monopolies 
Powerful buisness leaders created monopolies and trust, huge coporate structures that controlled entire industries or arears of economy. In Germany, Alfred Krup inherited a steel making buisness from his father. He bought up coals and iron mines as well as ore shipping lines that fed the steel buisness. Later he and his son acquired plant that made tools, railroad cars and weapons. In the united state, john D. Rockefeller built standered oil company of Ohio into an empire.

Looking Ahead
By the 1800s, European and American Coperation were setting up factories, refineries, and other production facilities around the world bank. They invested vast-sums the money coming from rich and small depositors - in undertaking such railroad, buidings and canals. As western capital flowed into Asia, Latin America and Africa, western government became increasingly involved in these arears.

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